App Embeds Settings

The App Embeds menu inside the Shopify Theme editor gives you access to extra display settings not available within the Inveterate dashboard.

To find the App Embeds menu:

  • Navigate to the Themes menu, and click Customize

  • Click Theme Settings, and then select App Embeds

  • Find the Inveterate App Embed and click the toggle to open the settings menu

General Settings

Redirect URL

Where customers are redirected when using Inveterate features that redirect customers (ex. Early Access). Defaults to the auto-generated landing page URL if left empty.

If you are using a custom Landing Page (not our native /community/membership page) you will want to enter that URL here

Membership Product

Membership Product Redirect

Automatically redirect customers from the membership product page to the landing page.

This setting redirects users to your membership landing page if they click into your membership product PDP. This is turned on by default for the best customer experience.

Early Access

Enable Early Access

Enable early access automated front end features. Keep this turned on to ensure all gating features work properly.

Early Access Action

Choose what should happen when a non-member customer lands on an early access product or collection. There are two options, a popup or a redirect.

Popup Heading

Heading for the early access popup (if selected).

Popup Body

Body copy for early access popup (if selected).

Popup Button Text

Text displayed in the early access button linking to the membership landing page.

Popup Button Background Color

Background color for early access popup button.

Popup Button Foreground Color

Foreground color for early access popup button.

Exclusive Access

Enable Exclusive Access

Enable early access automated front end features. Keep this turned on to ensure all gating features work properly.

Exclusive Access Action

Choose what should happen when a non-member customer lands on an exclusive access product or collection. There are two options, a popup or a redirect.

Popup Heading

Heading for the exclusive access popup (if selected).

Popup Body

Body copy for early exclusive popup (if selected).

Popup Button Text

Text displayed in the early access button linking to the membership landing page.

Popup Button Background Color

Background color for early access popup button.

Popup Button Foreground Color

Foreground color for early access popup button.

Last updated