Migrating From Scripts To Functions

On August 28, 2025, Shopify will be completely removing all script functionality from the platform and will be replacing it with Shopify Functions. Merchants that use Shopify Scripts to power their Member Only Pricing, Free Shipping or Free Gift At Sign Up benefits will need to migrate to Functions as soon as possible to ensure Inveterate continues to function seamlessly.

Migrating from Scripts to Functions is incredibly easy, and for most merchants the process shouldn't take more than a few minutes for each benefit.

With Functions, changes you make to the Member Only Pricing, Free Shipping and Free Gift At Signup configurations now take place instantly. You no longer need to paste a script into Shopify when you update any benefit logic.

Our Shopify Functions update currently does not support any customizations that have been made to benefit scripts after it has been generated by the app.

For example, if you changed the logic of the Member Only Pricing script to target specific SKUs instead of using the in-app menu to select a target collection, you will not be able to recreate this logic using Functions. In this case, you would need to add those SKUs to a new collection in Shopify, and then select that collection from the in-app menu.

The steps below need to be followed for each benefit in each tier. If you have three tiers that use the Member Only Pricing benefit, for example, you will need to edit that benefit in each tier.

How To Migrate Benefits From Scripts To Functions

  1. Click into the tier that contains the benefit you want to edit.

  2. Select either the Free Shipping, Member Only Pricing or Free Gift At Signup benefit - these are the only three currently supported via Functions.

  3. Review your current benefit configuration and ensure everything looks correct.

  4. Scroll down to the the bottom of the benefit and you will see a new configuration section called "Type" with the option to use either Functions or Scripts.

  5. Before you change this Inveterate setting - navigate to your Shopify store, go to the Script Editor app, and disable the Inveterate script that powers this benefit.

  6. After disabling the script in Shopify, select "Functions" in Inveterate and click Save.

  7. The benefit will now work instantly in your store.

Last updated