The Inveterate <> Tapcart integration allows you to add your Inveterate membership program into your Tapcart app.
The Inveterate <> Tapcart integration requires the use of Shopify Multipass. Multipass is only available for Shopify Plus merchants.
In Shopify, click Sales Channels and select Tapcart
Click on the Integrations tab in Tapcart
Find and open Shopify Multipass
Connect the Shopify Multipass integration
Click on the App Studio tab in Tapcart
Click on Custom Screens
Click on Add Web Bridge SDK and follow instructions to enable
Click on Build A Web Based Screen in Tapcart
Enter a title for your memberhsip page
Make sure that the toggle to require users to be logged in to view the custom page is enabled
Paste in the URL for your membership program page
Click Save and Update
Landing Page Redirect: The custom screen you just created will display a landing page if the logged-in user is not an Inveterate member. This page will feature an "Add to Cart" button for the Inveterate subscription product.
If you allow users to buy an Inveterate membership through your landing page custom screen, you'll need to adjust the "Add to Cart" functionality. This ensures that when viewed within the Tapcart app, the item is added to the Tapcart cart, not the website cart. You'll need a developer's help to modify the theme code to do this. Follow this guide to create a condition on the "Add to Cart" button.
You have just finished creating your custom screen. The next step is to add it to your Tapcart navigation.
Click the App Studio tab in Tapcart and open the Navigation menu
Click Add New Navigation
Select the navigation icon you wish to use
Link the new navigation point to the custom screen you created
The integration is now complete and your Membership Program landing page has been added to your Tapcart navigation.
Download the PDF below for step by step instructions:
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