Klaviyo Member Notification Metrics and Their Template Variables

Profile Variables

The following profile variables are available for all Inveterate customer notification metrics sent to Klaviyo:


Inveterate: Credits

Number of credits available

24.99, 25

{{ person | lookup:'Inveterate: Credits' | default:'0' }}

Inveterate: Date Joined

Date customer joined membership program. Format options

March 14, 2023

{{ person | lookup:'Inveterate: Date Joined' | format_date_string|date:'F d, o' }}

Inveterate: Referrals Count

Number of times customer has been credited for program referral


{{ person | lookup:'Inveterate: Referrals Count' | default:'0' }}

Inveterate: Subscription Status

Status of membership

cancelled, active

{{ person | lookup:'Inveterate: Subscription Status' | default:'' }}

Inveterate: Tier Name

Tier name

Acme Plus

{{ person | lookup:'Inveterate: Tier Name' | default:'our membership program' }}

If you wanted to use these in a template, here is an example:

You joined {{ person | lookup:'Inveterate: Tier Name' | default:'our membership program' }} 
on {{ person | lookup:'Inveterate: Date Joined' | format_date_string|date:'F d, o' }}.

You have referred {{ person | lookup:'Inveterate: Referrals Count' | default:'0' }} 
other members to the program.

You have ${{ person | lookup:'Inveterate: Credits' | default:'0' }} credits available.

Your current subscription status is {{ person|lookup:'Inveterate: Subscription Status' | lower | default:'active' }}.

Additional template variables like {{ first_name }} are likely available through your Klaviyo account - you can view Klaviyo's official docs here and here.

"Inveterate: Welcome" Metric

Triggered when a customer first purchases your subscription product. Is not retriggered when a member renews their subscription after cancellation.

Event Properties


Template Example

Welcome to {{ person | lookup:'Inveterate: Tier Name' | default:'our membership program' }}.

In order to access all your membership benefits, please take a moment to login or create your account.

If you have any questions, reach out to our customer support team at help@acme.com.

"Inveterate: Credits Redeemed" Metric

Triggered when a customer completes an order that used redeemed credits.

Event Properties



Number of credits used in order

24.99, 25

{{ event.creditsRedeemed | default:'0' }}


Credits member now has left

0.99, 1

{{ event.newCreditsBalance | default:'0' }}

Template Example

You just redeemed ${{ event.creditsRedeemed | default:'0' }} in credit with your recent order.

You now have ${{ event.newCreditsBalance | default:'0' }} remaining in your account.

Thanks for being a part of {{ person | lookup:'Inveterate: Tier Name' | default:'our membership program' }},

Acme Incorporated

"Inveterate: Signup Discount" Metric

Triggered when a customer first purchases a membership product, if you have the "Sign Up Discounts" benefit enabled.

Event Properties



Unique sign up discount code created for each member


{{ event.discountCode | default:'' }}


Is the discount a percent amount off a future order

true or blank

{% if event.isPercentage %} percent {% endif %}


Is the discount a fixed dollar amount

true or blank

{% if event.isFixed %}${% endif %}


How much off an order is the discount

10, 9.99

{{ event.discountAmount | default:'0' }}


Is the discount disabled after 1 use, or can it be used multiple times

true or blank

{% if event.isOneTimeUse %} One time use. {% endif %}


If the discount code expires, when

August 9, 2023 or blank

{{ event.expirationDate | default:'soon' }}

Template Example

Here is your member signup discount code, {{ first_name }}!

As a valued member of {{ person | lookup:'Inveterate: Tier Name' | default:'our membership program' }}, we’ve created a personal discount code just for you! 

{% if event.isPercentage %}
Get {{ event.discountAmount | default:'0' }}% off when you use code {{ event.discountCode | default:'' }} at checkout.
{% else %}
Get ${{ event.discountAmount | default:'0' }} off when you use code {{ event.discountCode | default:'' }} at checkout.
{% endif %}

{% if event.isOneTimeUse %}
One time use.
{% endif %}

{% if event.expirationDate %}
Expires {{ event.expirationDate | default:'soon' }}.
{% endif %}

"Inveterate: Credits Awarded" Metric

Triggered when a member is awarded credits from the "Credits for Orders" benefit, and from the "Recurring Store Credits" benefit.



Amount of new credits awarded

10, 9.99

{{ event.creditsAwarded | default:'0' }}


Balance after credits awarded.

10, 9.99

{{ event.newCreditsBalance | default:'0' }}

Template Example

You've just received ${{ event.creditsAwarded | default:'0' }} in store credit.
You now have a total of ${{ event.newCreditsBalance | default:'0' }} 
that you can redeem for purchases since you’re a member of {{ person | lookup:'Inveterate: Tier Name' | default:'our membership program' }}.

"Inveterate: Credits Expiring" Metric

Triggered N days before some credits of a customer's expire, where N is determined by the settings under the "Reminders" tab of the Messaging Settings Page in your merchant dashboard.

Event Properties



Amount of credits expiring


{{ event.creditsExpiring | default:'' }}


Days until credits expire

15 days

{{ event.daysLeft | default:'a few days' }}

Template Example

Hey {{ first_name }}, we just wanted to send you a reminder.

You have {{ event.creditsExpiring | default:'0' }} in store credit that 
expire in {{ event.daysLeft | default:'a few days' }}.

"Inveterate: Referral Completed" Metric

Triggered when a new member is referred by the member receiving this email.

Event Properties



Email of referred customer


{{ event.referralEmail | default:'' }}


Amount of new credits awarded


{{ event.creditsAwarded | default:'' }}


Updated total credits to spend


{{ event.newCreditsBalance | default:'' }}

Template Example

{{ event.referralEmail | default:'' }} just joined Acme Premier because you referred them!
As a thank you, we've added {{ event.creditsAwarded | default:'' }} into your account.

You now have a total of {{ event.newCreditsBalance | default:'' }} that you can redeem for purchases since you’re a member of Premier.

"Inveterate: Rebill Notice" Metric

Sent to member a few days before they are recharged for their membership.

Event Properties



Date of upcoming charge.


{{ event.rebillDate | default:'' }}


Cost of upcoming charge


{{ event.rebillPrice | default:'' }}


How often does member fee recur

monthly, quarterly

{{ event.rebillFrequency | default:'' }}


Your customer support email, set here

"help@acme.com" or blank

{{ event.supportEmail | default:'' }}


Merchant's policy on whether benefits cease immediately after cancel, or at end of cycle


{{ event.cancellationPolicy | default:'' }}

Template Example

Your renewal for {{ person | lookup:'Inveterate: Tier Name' | default:'our membership program' }}
Hi {{first_name}},

Thank you for your continued participation in our exclusive membership program! 
As a reminder, your membership is set to renew {{ event.rebillDate | default:'in the next few days' }} 
for a total of ${{ event.rebillPrice | default:'' }}.

If you need to update your billing details, you can do so within your account on our site.

If you no longer wish to receive your exclusive, member-only benefits, you can change your membership settings on our membership portal.

"Inveterate: Anniversary Credits" Metric

Email triggered when a member has been part of the program for 12 months.

Event Properties



Amount of new credits awarded

20, 19.99

{{ event.creditsAwarded | default:'' }}


Updated total credits to spend

20, 19.99

{{ event.newCreditsBalance | default:'' }}

Template Example

Happy anniversary, {{ first_name }}!

You have been a loyal member of {{ person | lookup:'Inveterate: Tier Name' | default:'our membership program' }} for a year! 

To show our appreciation, we've awarded you ${{ event.creditsAwarded | default:'' }} in store credits.

You now have ${{ event.newCreditsBalance | default:'' }} in store credits to spend. 
Your credits can be accessed at any time from your member portal.

Thanks for being a part of {{ person | lookup:'Inveterate: Tier Name' | default:'our membership program' }},


"Inveterate: Cancellation Notice" Metric

Email triggered when a request to cancel a customer's membership is completed.

Event Properties



Determines whether customer loses benefits immediately after cancellation.


{% if event.cancellationPolicy == 'END_OF_BILLING_CYCLE' %}


The effective cancellation date - when benefits stop working.

February 10, 2024

{{ event.cancellationDate | default:'in a few days' }}


Tier name

Acme Gold

{{ event.tierName | default:'membership' }

Template Example

{{ first_name }}, your {{ event.tierName | default:'membership' }} has been cancelled.

{% if event.cancellationPolicy == 'END_OF_BILLING_CYCLE' %}
The cancellation will be effective {{ event.cancellationDate | default:'in a few days' }}, 
at the end of your billing period, at which points you no longer have access to your membership benefits.
{% else %}
The cancellation will be effective immediately. You are no longer able to use your old membership benefits.
{% endif %}

"Inveterate: Membership Change" Metric

Email triggered when a customer upgrades or downgrades their membership plan.

Event Properties



Tier name

"Acme Gold"

{{ event.newTierName | default:'' }}


Tier price

39.99, 20

{{ event.newTierPrice | default:'' }}


Upgrade or downgrade?

"upgrade", "downgrade"

{{ event.tierGradeChange | default:'' }}

Template Example

Your membership has been {{ event.tierGradeChange | default:'change' }}d to 
{{ event.newTierName | default:'a new tier' }}. 

Your new membership price is ${{ event.newTierPrice | default:'' }}.

"Inveterate: Payment Failure" Metric

Email triggered after customer’s payment method fails.

Event Properties



Date of upcoming final billing attempt before membership is cancelled.

February 10, 2024

{{ event.lastAttemptDate | default:'the final attempt day' }}

Template Example

Your payment method failed. We'll try again for the next few days. 

To continue being a part of {{ person | lookup:'Inveterate: Tier Name' | default:'our membership program' }}, please make sure your payment details are up to date.

If your payment isn’t successful on {{ event.lastAttemptDate | default:'the final attempt day' }}, your membership will be cancelled.

Last updated