Membership Currency Localization

Inveterate provides Localization support for shops that use USD, GBP and DKK as their main currency.

Inveterate's localization feature allows shops that use USD, GBP or DKK to display Inveterate member details in their native currency. This includes all currency based items such as:

  • Membership prices on the landing page

  • Credit amounts displayed

  • Flat currency discount codes

  • Membership price in cart / checkout

Localization currently does not work with Shopify Markets or manual currency selectors built into shop themes. Regardless of Markets or Currency Selection settings, Inveterate data will display in your native shop currency.

If your shop is in GBP, for example, and you have Shopify Markets set up - a user purchasing in Euros will still see GBP pricing on the landing page, member portal and credit ledger, but anything in cart will show up as Euros.

Currently USD, GBP and DKK are the only currencies supported by Inveterate. Support for more currencies is currently being built.

No action is required to enable localization for supported currency stores. Inveterate will automatically adopt your store's default currency upon download.

Member Experience - Landing Page

The landing page will show all membership pricing and benefit information in your default currenty.

Member Experience - Member Portal

The member will see all member portal items in your default currency. This includes all membership upgrade pricing, credits available and all items within their credit and discount ledger.

Merchant Experience - Program Managemenet

The Inveterate merchant portal will also adopt your shop's default currency. When building or managing your program you will not have to convert any currencies, all fields will be set to your default. This includes all benefit configurations and any data available to you as the merchant.

Last updated