Sign Up Store Credits

Sign Up Store Credits is a benefit that gives your members a monetary credit as a bonus for signing up for your membership program.

Pro Tip: This credit is given to your member immediately upon signing up for your program. Giving your members a sign up bonus will add to your program's perceived value.

Marketing Tip: Take the time to explain to them that their savings will quickly outweigh their initial membership cost. This will help increase membership sign ups.

To set up sign up store credits:

  1. Click on the Benefits tab in Inveterate, and then click on Sign Up Store Credits.

  2. Enter the name of the benefit - this is what the customer will see.

  3. Enter the description of the benefit. This is where you describe the sign up bonus to your customers.

  4. Upload the icon that you want to use. See below for a template you can use.

  5. Configure the credit amount - this is the amount your members receive as soon as they sign up for the program.

  6. Configure the credit delay if you wish to add one - this will delay how long it takes for your member to receive their credits after they sign up for your membership.

  7. Save the benefit settings.

  8. Enable the benefit.

Download the PDF below for step-by-step instructions

Last updated