Inveterate's Gorgias integration can be used to add Inveterate data about each of your members into their customer profile in Gorgias.
This integration will sync all data available within Inveterate to the appropriate user profile within Gorgias.
You should ensure that your Gorgias account is fully set up before connecting the Inveterate integration
Gorgias Properties
Inveterate: Subscription Status
defines whether the member is active or cancelled
Inveterate: Store Credits
is the total number of credits that the member has available to redeem
Inveterate: Referrals
is the number of successful purchase referrals generated by the member
Inveterate: Date Joined
is the date that the member joined the membership program
Inveterate: Tier Name
is the name of the tier that the member is currently enrolled into
To set up the Gorgias integration:
Click on Integrations in the Inveterate side nav
Click "Connect" next to Gorgias
Click the toggle for "Add Inveterate data to Gorgias profile when user signs up"
Enter your Gorgias subdomain and click "connect"
Continue through the rest of the authorization steps within the setup screens
Once complete, the integration has been set up succesfully
Download the PDF below for step-by-step instructions
Last updated
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